Are you bursting with creativity? Don't have enough space in the basement? Not the right machines and tools at home? Are you looking for project partners? Or "pregnant" with a start-up idea?
Hier findest du alles, was ein:e Bastler:in, Erfinder:in, Tüftler:in, Kreativmensch so braucht, oder kannst mithelfen es aufzubauen: Holz- und Metallbearbeitung, Elektrotechnik, 3D-Drucker, Lasercutter, Näh- und Stickmaschine, Töpferofen, Pulverbeschichtung u.v.m.
MakerSpace? What is that supposed to be?
We are an open workshop and there for everyone who wants to "make" something, according to the motto help for self-help.
Wenn wir an jedem zweiten und vierten Donnerstag von 16:00 Uhr bis 19:00 Uhr geöffnet haben, können alle zu uns kommen und an ihrem Projekt arbeiten.
If you need help, we are happy to support you, but please note: support means that we help you a little further or give you food for thought. What we cannot do here on a large scale are things like individual training or complete project supervision or even completion. But you can use our tools and resources.
- Space for creative ideas
- try out new things
- try out new machines
- Large selection of tools and machines
- Exchange with others
What does the Makerspace cost?
The use of the MakerSpace is free of charge. Many devices can be used freely within the opening hours. If necessary, a small fee will be charged for consumables.
We keep many materials in stock in the MakerSpace. These materials can be used against donations. However, you should bring your own materials for larger projects.
We are happy to help with the selection and ordering (e.g. from wholesalers) and to contribute our experience.