As already mentioned, we run the Kulturscheune on a voluntary basis and without the intention of making a profit.
Nevertheless, there are of course various costs.

If you want to help us, you can do so with or without money.

Without money:
As I'm sure you know, reach is everything these days. Therefore, you would help us a lot if you would support us on social media at Facebook Logo und Link and Instagram Logo und Link and like our posts and share them.

Also, if you follow us on Twitch Logo and YouTube Logo folgt und unsere Kanäle abonniert, helft ihr uns sehr!

With money:
Use for your purchases Gooding Logo mit Link zur Gooding Homepage  and help us with every cent spent, or donate directly to projects at Logo Betterplace(here you will even receive a donation receipt, which you can deduct from your taxes).

We are also always looking for support for our team. So if you would like to give us a hand or even become part of our team, please write to us, call us or just come by.