Almost all of the events in the Kulturscheune are organised by our non-profit cultural association „Kulturscheune Baiersdorf e.V.“ durchgeführt.
Our aim is to further strengthen and diversify the range of cultural events, such as concerts, readings and exhibitions, in Baiersdorf and the surrounding area.
Our association gives its members the opportunity to access knowledge, technology and networks that would often be difficult for individuals to manage.
We are supported by the city of Baiersdorf, the district of Erlangen-Höchstadt and the German Foundation for Commitment and Volunteering (DSEE) and were able to purchase up-to-date streaming and video production technology thanks to the district, VR Bank EHH and DSEE.
Our members thus have the opportunity to learn about current sound and lighting technology as well as the latest technical possibilities of cultural transmission.
Since, for example, video games are also part of culture, our association has acquired a PlayStation VR system in addition to a number of video game consoles of various years of construction in order to give other people the opportunity to try out this fascinating technology.
In our opinion, experiencing and organising culture together is more fun, so we are always looking for interested people and supporters.
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