Welcome to the homepage of the Kulturscheune Baiersdorf.
Here you can find out more about our barn, our association, the other projects in the barn and of course you can also find the current and past events here.
In our small, non-profit cultural centre in the middle of Baiersdorf, we would like to give subculture in particular a space.
We also stream all our events live on YouTube, Twitch and Facebook!

To avoid having to take another forced break, we will be organizing fewer concerts in future. We are planning one per month. Dear artists: Please bear with us if we can't respond to every request, there are simply too many and we can't keep up.
The Repair Café, the Marktschwärmerei and the MakerSpace will continue to take place as usual. (The MakerSpace also by arrangement, just write to us via WhatsApp or email (both on the contact page) )